Research Centers

Research Committee:

Research Committee is entrusted to conduct Ph.D Programmes as well as research activities and promote quality research in the field of law. There is a nine-member Research Committee headed by the Dean.

Research Centers:

There are two research centers under the Faculty of Law, these are as follows:

  • Centre for Human Rights (CHR): The Center for Human Rights was established in 2058 (2001 AD) as a National Center under the Chairmanship of senior Professor of Human Rights Law. At present, the Center is headed by the Dean. There are two bodies in the Center- General Body and Standing Committee. The General Body is a regulatory body that makes policy decision and the Standing Committee is a working body that implements the decision of the General Body of the Center. There is a separate Management By-Laws to regulate the Center.
  • Center for Environmental Law, Nepal (CEL,Nepal): The Center for Environmental Law was established on June 05, 2002 AD on the occasion of the World Environment Day.The Center was chaired by the Senior Professor of Environmental Law but at present the Dean is the Ex-officio Chairperson of the Center.There are two bodies in the Center- General Body and Standing Committee. The General Body is a regulatory body that makes policy decision and the Standing Committee is a working body that implements the decision of the General Body of the Center. The Center is a member of IUCN Academy of Environmental Law. There is a separate Management By-Laws to regulate the Center.

International Relations:

Tribhuvan University has established relationship with 139 universities and institutes across the world. Under this framework, the Faculty of Law has collaborated for exchange of faculties and students with the University of USA, UK, Canada, Japan and India. In addition, the Faculty of Law has signed separate MoUs with Nottingham University, UK; Washington University St. Luis, University of Delhi, Delhi, India, University of Kashmir, India, Gujrat National Law University, Gujrat; India, Symbiosis International University; School of Pune, India; Lloyd Law College Greater Noida; China Three Gorges University; Faculty of Law, Yichang, China; Hubei University of Technology; School of International Education, Wuhan, China and University of New England, Faculty of Law, Australia.

Publications: One and half decade ago it had published Nepal Law Review Journal but due to lack of fund and human resources it could not be continued and it was handed over to Nepal Law Campus for publication.

Further Programs/Courses to be developed:

Future Programmes

  1. Infrastructure Development Programmes: Construction of administrative, academic, library, SAARC Legal Research Center’s buildings and a quarter (guest house) for foreign researchers at TU Master Plan premises, Kirtipur.
  2. Academic Development:
  3. Establish as Center of Excellence
  4. Revision of 3-year LL.B curriculum, and reactivation of teaching and learning environment in all constituent campuses in the progress,
  5. Introduce one year LL.M Programmes in different subjects, i.e. International Law, Constitutional Law, Commercial Law, Criminal Law, Environmental Law, Energy Law and so on,
  6. Expansion of LL.B and B.A.LL.B Programmes in constituent campuses.
  7. Develop curriculum for B.S.LL.B, B.B.A.LL.B. and B.Sc.LL.B Programmes, and
  8. Introduce B.S.LL.B, B.B.A.LL.B. and B.Sc.LL.B Programmes

Institutional Development:

Establishment of Tribhuvan University SAARC Legal Research Center, Tribhuvan University WTO Study and Research Center and Tribhuvan University Global Policy Study Centers.

International Relations:

Establish relationship with some leading universities’ law schools of Asia-Pacific, America and Europe to enhance legal education and research through exchange of faculties and students as well as conduct joint research.